In the dead of night, some might hear crickets or the wind sweep through the trees. Others might hear the sweet tones of Collision Devices' Nocturnal, but that's a different story.
Perfected for the ambient soundscapers of the world, France's Collision Devices dials in on three vividly colorful and seamlessly smooth effects to carry your rig into the wee hours of the night. Nocturnal centers around a delay, tremolo, and reverb effect all housed in one impressive casing. The three footswitches and plethora of dials makes Nocturnal highly tactile and hands-on for endless tinkering and experimentation.
The first effect, Dusk, is a modulated delay. Running a delay time between a few milliseconds and one second, Dusk introduces some resonant glimmers of delay that can turn self-oscillating when pushed. The second effect, Night, is a dynamic tremolo. Two controls – Sensibility and Depth – put full control into your hands to dial in a pick-sensitive and wildly wavering tremolo effect. The third effect, Dawn, is a shimmering reverb. A max decay time of fifteen seconds and a digital "brightness" filter for the reverb's shimmer allows you to set up an ambient and sustaining reverb that sings with shimmering sweetness.
Momentary effects engageable with sustained footswitch presses include a feedback control on Dusk, a speed increase on Night, and a bypass control on Dawn. Together these additional functions give Nocturnal deeper, on-the-fly playability.
Nocturnal's varied and versatile playability make it a standout for ambient effects units. In grand Collision Devices style, this motherboard of a soundscape machine powers up for exceptional effect canvases.